Class details

  • When and where are DFAD classes held?

    New classes are consistently being added to our schedule based around nonprofit availability. For a full listing of upcoming classes and to register, please visit here.

  • Is registering for a class in advance required?

    Registration for a class is not required (walk-in’s are more than welcome!). However, it is strongly encouraged so specific location details and changes can be communicated with you.

  • What fitness level is the class?

    The beauty of Zumba dance fitness is that all levels are welcome! Whether you exercise or dance weekly or just like to dance by yourself around the house, the dances are varied so there is something for everyone!

  • What ages are allowed?

    All ages are welcome, including children provided an adult is with them. It’s a great family activity and a wonderful way for children to engage in a physical activity and learn about philanthropy!

  • How do I donate at each class?

    At each class, there will be a QR code for you to donate directly to the nonprofit being sponsored. A suggested donation is $25 but please donate what you can.